Some patients are told that there is mass or are masses on the kidney when
they do some regular check-up. And they are confused with the mass, and do not
know what should they do with the mass on their kidney.
Well, there are many possibilities, the mass can be tumor in the kidney,
which should be further determined by relevant tests, like ultrasound tests for
the kidneys or even CT scan. And if it is tumor, then one more pathological
analysis is needed to determine the nature of the tumor if it is malignant or
benign, regarding which doctors will give different treatment plans according to
the tumor and the patient’s specific condition.
Second, the mass in kidney may also be cyst in kidneys. Regarding this, we
need to know if there is any polycystic kidney disease history in the family or
if it is just a simple or multiple cysts. Also, different conditions decide
final treatment. If it is just a simple cysts and also the patients are elder
aged, then it is common and usually no special treatment is needed, however, if
it is very big which also has affect the kidney function, then proper treatment
is necessary to solve it. What’s more, if patients have a family history of
polycystic kidney disease, then necessary intervention treatment should be taken
to inhibit further growth of the cysts and to shrink the cysts so as to prevent
advancing of the disease and to avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Here about
the intervention treatment, we suggest traditional Chinese medicine therapy,
more details please refer to “How to treat the swollen kidney caused by polycystic kidney disease”
Third, there is still another possibility that it may be nephrotuberculosis,
regarding this treatment, it also depends, and surgery can be carried out if
In one word, if patients are told about mass in their kidneys, they should go
to specialized kidney disease hospital, do relevant tests and make clear what
exactly the mass is, then follow the doctor’s advises for their specific
treatment, or you can also talk to our experts for more help.