How to Treat High Blood Pressure That Results From Kidney Disease

It’s very common that patients at the end stage of renal disease have high blood pressure, which we call it renal hypertension or renal high blood pressure because this kind of high blood pressure results from kidney disease. And according to the causes, renal high blood pressure is mainly divided into two types: volume dependent hypertension and renin dependent hypertension, both of which result from the renal disease.

Usually, those patients with either type of high blood pressure will be prescribed with bp medicine to control it. Actually, blood pressure comes up due to kidney disease. And it is because of decline of the kidney function, the body compensate. On one hand, the water and sodium retention happens, resulting in too much blood volume inside the blood vessels, consequently, the blood pressure increases. On the other hand, due to kidney damage, less blood flows into the kidneys which activate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, as a result, blood pressure comes up. So, controlling the bp with western medicine can protect the kidney from further damage, which however interrupt the compensation of the body.
So, the proper treatment should focus on improving the kidney function, duly letting the kidney to regulate the blood pressure. In this respect, traditional Chinese medicine can help dilate the blood vessels, improve blood circulations, duly increasing blood flow and inactivate the RAAS and repair the damaged kidneys.

Well, if you have complication of this renal disease like high blood pressure, you can contact with us for more details or refer to “Traditional Chinese Medicine”.

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