Uric acid (UA) is an end product from purine derivatives in human metabolism,
which has a stable value in human body. When renal function is threatened, the
reduce of glomerular filtration rate will cause metabolism obstacle, leading to
high uric acid.
Uric acid is acidic, the increase of uric acid will increase acid
concentration in the body, causing acidosis and metabolic disorders. If excess
uric acid is being produced or if the kidney cannot remove enough of it,
inflamed joints and podagra may happen on patients. Besides, stones may be
produced by the combine of uric acid accumulation and other metabolic substance,
which is what we often call “kidney stone”. For these reason, patients with high
uric acid should be given a medical examination in a timely manner, so as not to
miss the best time of treatment.
Patients with kidney disease should pay attention to their daily diet, meat
contains more purine material, so patients should eat more vegetables and less
meat to control uric acid level. The fundamental way to reduce uric acid is
increasing the glomerular filtration rate, Chinese traditional medicine is the
most effective treatment for protecting remaining kidney functions, repairing
damaged kidney cells and restoring metabolic functions.
Read more about What About the Harmful Effect of High Uric Acid