Why Is the Creatinine So High
High creatinine level is usually because that at early stage of kidney damage, patients did not receive proper treatment in time, and further inflammation damage advances, as a result, more normal kidney functional cells are damaged. And when the kidneys are damaged to certain extent, much creatinine can not be filtered out by the kidneys, and consequently, the creatinine increases.
There are several possible causes: first, patients who have abnormal urine output and hematuria, and proteinuria for a long time will have high creatinine naturally and gradually. Second, when patients with renal insufficiency catch a cold, get infected, have intestinal infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, their creatinine will increase rapidly in a short of period. Third, when patients take some medicine that is toxic to the kidneys, their creatinine also will become rather high, more seriously, this kind of damage is irreversible. Fourth, if patients with hypertension fail to control their blood pressure stable, their creatinine will usually increase gradually. Fifth, the disease in some case, due to some reason relapses again and patients have little or no urine output, their creatinine will surely increase immediately.
So, when the creatinine level increases, patients should be caution and see a specialist in specialized hospital as soon as possible.