Proteinuria, which means protein in urine increases to an excessive amount.
Due to Glomerular filtration function and kidney tubules reabsorption, healthy
human’s urine contents little protein. Negative reaction will be found in
patient’s urine through routine uranalysis. When patients are diagnosed with
proteinuria, what they should do to deal with it?
To cure the proteinuria, it should remove the “root” of disease, which means
stopping renal fibrosis and repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells.In the
field of western medicine, the treatment of proteinuria is reducing the leak of
protein by blocking it, which can not cure proteinuria fundamentally. After
stopping medication, protein will start leaking again soon. In this instance,
the combination of Chinese traditional and western medicine can be used to
reduce the leak of protein and repair the damage of basement membrane, improving
proteinuria fundamentally.
Traditional Chinese medicine has plenty of benefits to cure the proteinuria
including vascular dilation, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation,
repair, etc. The active substance of Chinese medicine can stop renal
To be specific, the process of the treatment are as follows:
firstly, the active substance will expend renal artery after entering human
body, which can reduce the obstacle of local microcirculation, increase
effective perfusion of kidney, improve the blood and oxygen supply;
Secondly, the inflammatory factor and blood coagulation factor will be
inactivated by active substance of Chinese medicine, by which the risk of
inflammation and microthrombus can be reduced;
Thirdly, active substance can restore activity and function of damaged cells
by degrading extracellular matrix;
Besides, the healing function of active substance can offer favorable
environment and nutriment to kidney repair.
After the above-mentioned steps, a part of damaged kidney will be repaired,
the symptoms of proteinuria will be eliminated gradually.
Except for Chinese herbal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine has many
other therapies for various kind of kidney disease such as acupuncture,
moxibustion, acupoint injection, all of which appear as the effective therapy in
Hence one can see that Chinese medicine may be adopted as the primary therapy
for proteinuria, and western medicine may be considered to be an effective
supplement to the Chinese medicine. Patients with proteinuria should make
decisions in accordance with specific conditions of their disease.
More details, please refer to "Why Do Kidneys Leak Protein"