In western countries, the best treatment for kidney disease is kidney
transplantation, which however, is expensive and may leave plenty of sequelae as
According to the research in an authoritative kidney transplantation
hospital, the replacing kidneys in half of 800 patients who got kidney
transplantation have been failed in five years, this has been a hundredth of
patients who can live with transplanted kidney for ten years. Besides that,
patients have to concern about complications of kidney transplantation as well.
The common complications are as below:
Ⅰ. Infection.
Common causes for infection include:
1. Suppressed immune system resulting from operation.
2. Uremia patients’weak immunity.
3. Application of immunosuppressive drugs. Common parts of infection:
pulmonary infection, urinary tract infection, surgical wound infection, etc.
Ⅱ. Cardiovascular complication:
Cardiovascular complication is secondary cause of patients’ death, including
high blood pressure, heart failure, hyperlipemia, etc.
Ⅲ. Digestive complications:
Including abnormal liver function, upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage and
acute pancreatitis.
Ⅳ. Endocrine and metabolic abnormalities:
Including hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, renal tubular dysfunction,
diabetes, hyperuricemia, osteopathy, sexual dysfunction, etc.
Ⅴ. Blood system complications:
Including polycythemia, alteration of renal hemodynamics (different degree of
whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity increased), myelosuppression.
Ⅵ. Tumor:
Tumor risk of kidney transplantation patient is about 2%~25%, there are three
origins of tumor:
1. Renal cell carcinoma from the donated kidney.
2. Recurrence of patient’s tumors have existed before surgery .
3. The most common origins is new tumor.
Ⅶ.Kidney disease recurrence.
Recurrence of kidney disease also have three origins:
1. Pre-existing kidney disease, usually some form of IgA.
2. A new kidney disease which is different from primary disease, such as
glomerular disease, membranous nephropathy, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis,
3. Recurrence of primary disease.
Since there are many risks and complications for kidney transplant, it comes
to another question: Do patients have any other options except for kidney
transplantation? The answer is yes.
With the development of medical research, combination of Chinese and Western
medicine treatment for kidney disease shows great potential. Chinese medicine
focuses on health maintenance, which means balance the situation of the human
body. Western medicine produces an instant effect to kidney disease, but the
toxins from western drugs have accumulated in patient’s body simultaneously.
Under these circumstances, Chinese medicine treatment should be used to
alleviate noxious effects. More details about the traditional Chinese medicine
treatments for kidney disease, please refer to “How Does TCM Repair Damaged Kidneys”
Patients with kidney disease and their family members are suggested to
consider the pro and cons side of kidney transplantation comprehensively and
make a choice carefully.