Generally speaking, no matter what type of kidney disease it is, there is a decreasing kidney function because more and more nephrons are involved in the damage with time going by. And according to study, this process of kidney damage is called renal fibrosis.
And any treatment that reverses or stops this renal fibrosis process as early as possible is the right treatment. And traditional Chinese medicine can dilate the blood vessels, fight against inflammation inside the kidneys, improve coagulation inside patient’s body and degrade extracellular matrix which occupies the room of normal functional cells. And when the damaged kidney functional cells get more blood and oxygen, they are able to recover and regain their function completely or partially. And the earlier they receive this kind of treatment, the more chance they can get to improve their kidney function before their kidneys completely shut off.
However, there are some misunderstandings, some think that as far as they receive this treatment, they can stop dialysis or recover and live as a normal people immediately after this treatment. Actually, this is also a slow process just like the progression of the kidney disease. We completely understand their expectation. However, this is not magic and patients should be more patient and think about treatment objectively. Do not waste your time waiting and doing nothing, otherwise, the only final result is complete renal failure, dialysis and kidney transplant.