Many patients with kidney disease have high creatinine, which is result from
the decrease of glomerular filtration rate and kidney function. High creatinine
means the patients’ kidney disease have developed into renal insufficiency
stage, at the moment, patients will experience the following symptoms:
1. Water metabolism disorders, include diuresis, excessive urination at
night, thirst, mucosa engorgement and dryness, lacking in strength, edema, high
blood pressure, pulmonary edema, cardiac failure, etc.
2. Sodium metabolism disorders, include hyponatremia and hypernatronemia
3. Potassium metabolism disorders, include hyperkalemia and hypokalemia.
4. Metabolic acidosis, the patients with high creatinine may breath deeply
and long, lack in appetite, feel sick and uneasy, even coma.
5. Renal osteopathy, which is mainly expressed in the lower part of the body,
the skeleton deformity can lead to short stature.
6. Lesions at total body, include respiratory system lesion, circulatory
system lesion, digestive system lesion, blood system lesion.
7. Infection
8. Neuromuscular system lesions and skin symptoms
9. In clinical, patients with high creatinine may get thyroid dysfunctions,
sexual dysfunction, growth retardation, etc.
10. Metabolic disorders, include sugar dysbolism, lipid dysbolism, protein
and amino acid dysbolism, metabolic waste retention.
The patients with high creatinine had better establish regular daily habits,
take well-balanced diet and intensify exercise to help improve health.
Read more please refer to "How to effectively reduce the creatinine level"