Why is my BUN ratio high?

The blood urea nitrogen ratio in healthy people is 3.2-7.1 mmol/L(9-20 mg/dl). There are lots of causes for high BUN ratio, include glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute or chronic renal failure, renal space-occupying or destructive lesions; some factors outside of renal can also lead to high BUN ratio. Exclude the factor outside of renal, if the BUN ratio increase to 21.4mmol/L(69mg/dl), the patient can be diagnosed as uremia.

The detail reasons for high BUN ratio are as follows:
1. The ratio of BUN can be affected by urine volume and severe liver disease, the excessive quantity of adrenal cortical steroids and protein can elevate the BUN ratio briefly.
2. When glomerular filtration rate decrease to a half or one third of normal rate, the BUN ratio will rise up gradually. In general, the ratio between BUN and creatinine is 10:1, the cause of high ratio include gastrointestinal bleeding, hemolysis, cardiac insufficiency and adrenal cortical hormone treatment, all these are mostly leaded by prerenal factors.
3. The patients take too much protein in diet can result in high BUN ratio, the only need to do is to change dietary structure, keep the balance nutrition, everything will be back to normal soon.
4. Nephritis, nephrotuberculosis, renal vascular sclerosis, congenital polycystic kidney disease, kidney neoplasms and so on, all above can also lead to high BUN ratio.

Experts suggest that the patients with high BUN ratio should not worry excessively or treat it lightly, the right way is to go to normal hospital seeing a doctor as early as possible.
Read more please refer to “Proper treatment on elevated bun

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