So what should parents do to take good care of the children with acute glomerulonephritis? Professional Proposals are as follows:
For rest:
1. The children should rest in bed as much as possible within two weeks since they got glomerulonephritis
2. When edema and gross hematuria eliminate, blood pressure turn back to normal, patients can get out of bed do some minor activity.
3. After three months, if the ill child recovery is uneventful, with normal urine and blood sedimentation, he/she can get back to school but should avoid physical activities.
4. If the children keep in a stable condition of illness for six months, they can be allowed to resume normal activities.
For diet
1. In the early stage of acute glomerulonephritis, the sick child with edema, high blood pressure and oliguria should take no salt diet.
2. With the resolution of edema, the sick child can take low salt diet.
3. The water intake of ill child with edema and oliguria should be limited
4. The oliguria of acute glomerulonephritis children is result from the retention of nitrogenous waste and potassium, so the child should limit the food rich in protein and potassium.
5. As blood pressure rising, urinary output increasing and edema elimination, the ill child may allowed to restore to normal diet.