With the progress of renal failure, the patients will get some symptoms and
complications including anemia. The common anemia is caused by malnutrition,
which seems to be completely miss, or at least grossly underemphasized, but the
anemia due to renal failure should not be ignored lightly.
The anemia due to renal failure is difficult to be cured, which is resulted
from the reduce of red blood cell synthesis quantity caused by erythropoietin
can't secrete in a normal way for a long time. If the anemia have not been
corrected effectively, the condition will not get better by itself. Most of the
renal failure with anemia will experience internal haemorrhage, the condition
can aggravate anemia and lead to the increase of creatinine level and other
metabolite. Because of the reduce of glomerular filtration rate, the waste can
not be excreted adequately, which is equivalent to mix up the toxins with the
blood, this situation will accelerate the death and restrain the regeneration of
red blood cells. So anemia due to renal failure is a severe complication that
requires attention.
The patients with renal failure are vulnerable to several symptoms, patients
and their family numbers should pay more attention to these conditions.
Read more about The alternative medicine for kidney failure