Is High Creatinine Can Cause Rashes?

Creatinine level is the significant standard of kidney disease, which means the patients’ glomerular filtration rate have decreased severely.

Sometimes, patients with high creatinine level may develope skin rashes. Why does it happen? Overall, the causes are as follows:
1. The reduce of GFR will lead to the retention of toxins and waste products in the blood, phosphorus, nitrogen metabolites and calcium are parts of these products. Excessive metabolic substance in blood will cause skin itching and skin rash.
2. Some patients with chronic kidney disease are susceptible to sensitivity, besides, the patients’ skin may become dry and vulnerable due to the influence of systemic disease, in this case, they can easily get skin rashes.
3. Renal insufficiency will cause immune disorder to patients, which can trigger several symptoms including skin rash.
Thus it can be seen that the rash is a common complication of kidney disease. Some patients with rash are usually treat it lightly. In a small clinic, the rash due to high creatinine can be diagnosed as common eczema easily. So that the patients with severe and lingering skin rash should go to normal hospital to do a detailed examination in case of delay the illness.
Read more about What Should I Do If Creatinine Level Is High

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