Kidney Disease and Leg Pain

We all know that kidney disease can lead to edema, backache, frequency of urination, but some kidney disease patients say that they have leg pain, it’s not a normal condition, but it could happen as well.

1. Kidney cysts resulting from polycystic kidney disease that form on kidneys and occasionally on the liver can cause back and leg pain.
2. An infected kidney is infectious to cause the infection spread around the local muscles, meanwhile, the nearby nerves can get irritated. This will result in groin pain or swelling and leg pains.
3. Diabetic nephropathy may get leg and back problem due to diabetic.
4. Nephrotic syndrome patients with long-term hormone therapy may feel leg pain sometimes.
5. Some patients’ kidney disease is resulted from the arthritis of the spine, which can induce leg pain.

Because leg pain is not the common symptoms of kidney disease, so patients with pain in leg should go to hospital to do a system inspection, in order to clear their own physical condition.
Read more about Some Information About Kidney Health Care

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