Stay up late can lead to renal failure

Nowadays, people often stay up late to finish their work or seek entertainment online. However, this habit may induce renal failure, how does it happen?

In fact, acute renal failure is usually caused by renal blood flow in short supply, kidney function damaged by some blocking factors or poison damage. The causes of renal failure due to stay up late include:
1. Lack of sleep will increase stress hormone levels, which let us feel more pressure, raise our blood pressure.
2. Immunity and energy will be significantly decreased because of the lack of sleep, level of intelligence, the ability to concentrate and decision making will be affected too.
3. Lack of sleep can harm our mood, memory, ability to learn and concentrate, and job performance. And shorten our life.
4. Too little sleep might make you feel depressed even without trouble, mental capacity decreased obviously.

To prevent renal failure, the people have to stay up late had better eat more fruits and vegetables to take vitamin supplements. Besides, many early stage renal failure patient can not find their illness, so you'd better doing regular physical examination, in case of delaying treatment.
Read more about The alternative medicine for kidney failure

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