During peritoneal dialysis, some patients may experience stomachache, why
does it happen? Overall, there are six subjective and objective reasons for the
stomachache on dialysis.
1. Pumping fluid too fast will lead to stomachache, just slow down the speed,
the pain will ease at once. This situation is often happened shortly after
surgery, as time goes on, the symptom tend to go away gradually.
2. Insert Dialysis catheter screwdriver too deeply can cause stomachache,
slow low-effeciency dialysis can be adopted to alleviate the pain.
3. The unsuited temperature of dialyzate will induce stomachache, the most
suitable temperature for dialysis is 37 ℃.
4. Peritoneal overheating can also cause stomachache and abdominal
distension, besides, dialyzate will become turbid.
5. Accidentally mistake the disinfectant as dialyzate pumping into abdominal
cavity will cause stomachache.
6. Some patients with abdominal cavity infection may get stomachache.
Different patients have different condition of stomachache, they need to find
the root manner through scientific guidelines. In the process of peritoneal
dialysis, physician must be serious and responsible to avoid any kind of
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